We offer a wide range of services

Governance and Regulation
Governance reviews and general support
Board/Committee member appraisal, remuneration and recruitment
Regulatory compliance
Regulatory ‘health’ checks/assessments
Preparation for In-depth Assessment (IDA) and the transition into regulatory inspection

Regulatory Compliance and Improvement
Critical friend following regulatory engagement
Advice and support to improve regulatory gradings
Advice and support in developing action plans
Evaluation of governance structures and effectiveness
Provision of strategic leadership
Support to recruit new Board members
Housing Ombudsman determination case review

Finance, Business Planning and Treasury
Strategic and operational advice and support
Developing financial resilience
Stress Testing
Brixx financial modelling
Treasury management
Arranging short and long-term funding
Financial health check
Financial benchmarking for new developments

Asset Management
Asset related compliance reporting
Reviewing policies and procedures
Undertaking investigations
Reviewing operational structures and operating models

Risk Management and Assurance
Developing risk management frameworks
Developing and reviewing strategic risk registers/maps
Developing approaches to ‘risk appetite’
Reviewing effectiveness of risk and audit committees
Developing risk based ‘stress tests’
Retained risk management service

Interim Leadership and Board/Committee Recruitment and Remuneration
Senior interim leadership placements
Board and committee recruitment
Reviews of board and committee remuneration

Merger, Partnership and Due Diligence
Advice and support in developing organisational appetite for mergers/partnerships
Brokering and project managing mergers and partnerships
Advising on and undertaking due diligence

Organisational Development and Design
Advising on and reviewing organisational structures
Organisational culture and culture change
Stakeholder engagement
Employee engagement

Training and Workshops
Merger process and developing a merger position statement
Risk and risk appetite
Stress testing, recovery and resilience
Effective risk management
Finance – business planning and budgeting