What we do

Training and Workshops

We provide a range of training and workshops which can support our clients to develop knowledge and skills within their teams and Boards.

All of our sessions can be delivered on either a remote basis or in-person (for example, at Board strategy events, induction sessions or as part of wider training programmes) and can be tailored to the specific needs of the client. If you require training in an area that is not listed, we can develop training on a fully bespoke basis.

Whatever your training requirements are, DTP has a solution to support you that can be tailored to your needs.

We offer training and workshops on:

  • Merger process and developing a merger position statement
  • Risk and risk appetite
  • Stress testing, recovery and resilience
  • Effective risk management
  • Finance – business planning and budgeting
  • Finance – treasury management
  • Governance – purpose, frameworks and best practice
  • Governance – how to be an effective Board member
  • Charity governance
  • Social housing regulation and governance
  • Regulatory inspection, how to prepare, what this means for Boards
  • Consumer regulation
  • Effective rent setting for managers and Rent Standard compliance
  • The Rent Standard and regulatory compliance – a guide for Boards
  • Value for money in social housing
  • External environment, regulation and government policy


Merger process and developing a merger position statement

Risk and risk appetite

Stress testing, recovery and resilience

Effective risk management

Finance – business planning and budgeting


For further information around our range of advice and guidance in this area, please contact:

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