Meet the team

Andy Roskell

Managing Director

Andy is DTP’s Managing Director and works across a range of disciplines, drawing together small teams from DTP’s wider team to bring a multi-disciplinary approach to complex commissions, such as mergers. 

Expertise and Experience

Andy works with boards and executive teams, advising and supporting strategy development and leading improvement projects. Andy is experienced in financial and business planning, financial due diligence, strategic planning, risk management, business efficiency and improvement, and project management, including mergers. He has supported the development of partnerships, as well as governance and organisational structures.

About Andy

Andy joined DTP from EC Harris LLP in 2012, where he was a partner in the affordable housing team and prior to that he was a director in Tribal Group’s housing consultancy team.  Andy was appointed DTP Managing Director in 2017.  Outside work, Andy enjoys horse riding, skiing, running, walking, and playing and recording music with a local rock band.  

Recent Projects

  • Group structure review for a North-West England-based client.
  • Partnership options research for two North-West England-based clients.
  • Financial viability review and business modelling options for client in North Wales.
  • Merger project management for two Midlands-based clients.
  • Review of assets team for large client in Northern Ireland.
  • Isle of Man Government – Options appraisal for the housing stock on the island.
  • Mosscare St Vincents – Due diligence on the financials of merger partner.
  • Facilitating Board review of Risk Appetite Statement for two clients.
  • Review of the Finance Function for a Scottish RSL.

Contact 07977 464459

Meet more members of the team...

Marcus Evans

Marcus is a Senior Consultant and provides support on governance, regulatory compliance and value for money, as well as wider strategy development support. 

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Hugh Carr

Hugh is a Senior Consultant in the DTP treasury and finance team, with a broad portfolio of treasury and financial planning clients.

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Sarah Jackson

Sarah is a Director and is DTP’s lead for Rent Standard compliance services, along with care and supported housing activity. Sarah is also part of the wider team delivering strategy, governance and regulatory compliance support services.

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