Angela is a Director and is our lead for governance, strategic development and regulatory recovery support.
Angela has worked in housing and regulatory management in both housing associations and local government, with direct experience of working within frontline housing management services and the corporate centre. She specialises in governance and strategy, board effectiveness, appraisal and remuneration, and general and performance management, including change management and investigative or regulatory recovery projects.
Angela has more than 30 years’ experience in the housing sector and more than 20 years of consultancy experience working across the public and private sector. Angela joined DTP as a Director in August 2013. She was previously employed as a director at Savills Housing Consultancy and, prior to this, was a director at Tribal. Before becoming a consultant, Angela worked for the housing regulator and for social housing providers. She was an independent board member and committee chair for six years. Until 2023, Angela was a member (and for a period, the Chair) of Co-Operatives UK’s Governance Expert Panel. Outside work, Angela enjoys the outdoors, particularly walking and skiing, loves to travel and is a keen reader. 07702 213809
Mags is a Senior Consultant supporting DTP’s work on consumer regulation, risk management and assurance & regulatory compliance.
Read moreMarcus is a Senior Consultant and provides support on governance, regulatory compliance and value for money, as well as wider strategy development support.
Read moreSarah is a Director and is DTP’s lead for Rent Standard compliance services, along with care and supported housing activity. Sarah is also part of the wider team delivering strategy, governance and regulatory compliance support services.
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